Monday, December 20, 2010

To blog or not to blog, that is the question....

To blog or not to blog, that is the question! I enjoy keeping in touch with family and friends, writing the funny stories that happen to us every day, and expressing my thoughts and feelings while tuning up my writing skills, but I often wonder, "is anyone out there even reading this thing?" So, I've decided that whether people read it or not, I'm setting a goal to blog at least twice a month, and hopefully more often than that! That way, I can incorporate my blog into my scrapbooks so we can celebrate the good, the bad, and the ugly of everyday family life.

There's always something going on around here, and we're always taking photos, so even if I can just get the chance to post a few pics, then you can follow us on here. I've posted a few short photo clips to get you up-to-date on our family over the past few months. As time allows, I will try to post some of our 2010 highlights.

Please let me know if you like something by commenting on my posts or emailing me at If I know even one person is reading, I'll keep writing!

Merry Christmas!!!


Jennifer said...

I love this Natalie! It's beautiful and you are one great Momma!!

Unknown said...

I read it! I love seeing your sweet kiddos!

Wendy said...

Keep writing! It's not about other people reading it, it's about a constant journal of the little things that you'll want to remember. There is a way to turn this blog into a scrapbook when you're ready so don't give up on the blog! People will read it but most importantly, it's an easy way to chronicle your life for the kids to see later (as if traditional & digital scrapbooking weren't enough!). Love you, miss you & keep writing!!

Vicki Banta said...

I know exactly how you are feeling. I am just going to keep blogging because when I have time I love it and because I want to keep it as a "scrapbook." One of these days I'll get it printed out just like one of these days I'll transfer all my video of the kids to DVD's so we can actually watch them! :) I think these post will become more precious with every passing year!
P.S. I read and love your blog!

Natalie said...

Oh, yea! FOUR people read it, so I guess I'm off and runnin! Have a super day, everyone!

Audrey said...

I am reading! I'm cranking up the blog this year too. Mine is private so, I'll send you an invite if you would like.