Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Well, tomorrow is the last day of summer! I'm sad, I'm excited, and I'm ready! The kids are ready to learn and I'm ready for a few minutes alone! (well, with one at home!) Zac will start preschool in a week, and he will attend 3 days a week for 3 hours. Lauren and Jacob will both be at school from 8-2, so that will be nice not to have a kindergarten pickup as well.

We've had a super summer, with a fun family vacation to Yosemite and Mammoth, weekly trips to the beach, daily excursions to the pool and just time to be together. The kids attended a few camps, and we all enjoyed a fun week at vacation bible school. It's so nice to relax and not have a schedule, but it will be nice to get back into a routine. Soccer starts this weekend, and Eric and Lauren are heading out to Catalina early Friday morning for hiking, swimming, kayaking, snorkeling, etc. I wish I could go!

Tomorrow we are heading over to the nursing home to deliver cookies in the afternoon, then it's off to school to find out who the kids have for their teachers! I am looking forward to earlier bedtimes but dread homework and constant busyness.

I look forward to keeping in touch with many friends I've reconnected with this summer, and am excited to do more digital scrapbooking when time allows.

Enjoy your day!

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